CHS Guidance Office
CHS Scholarships
Coshocton High School Scholarship Awards List with Links
Additional Requirements for Coshocton Foundation Scholarships can be found on the Coshocton Foundation website
Parents & Students: Join the CHS Guidance Department's Google Classroom for Key Information and Scholarships
Class Codes:
Seniors: m7y56OV
Grades 9-11: gkllpta
Documents and Downloads

Guidance Staff
District IRN: 043828
CHS: 007427
Guidance Phone: 740-623-5807
Fax: 740-295-7717
Darcy Nelson - Guidance Counselor Students' Last Names A - K
Megan Hemming - Guidance Counselor Students' Last Names L - Z
Lisa Garrett, Administrative Assistant CCP Advisor

$5,000 Scholarship The Children’s Defense Fund Beat the Odds® Scholarship Program annually honors, celebrates and rewards five outstanding Ohio high school seniors who have overcome tremendous adversity to achieve academic excellence, demonstrate leadership.
Students and their parents are invited to attend an information session to learn more about Ohio’s College Credit Plus (CCP) program through which college-ready students, grades 7-12, may participate in college classes to earn both high school and college.