To ensure student safety, CES students should not be on school grounds before 8:10 a.m. If you're dropping off your child, please keep them in your vehicle until the doors open. If your child walks to school, adjust their leave time so they arrive after 8:10. Thank you for helping keep our students safe!
about 2 months ago, Tony Meiser
PTO will be selling tattoos at lunch again on Friday to help cheer CHS to victory! Bring $1
Friday to purchase yours!
about 2 months ago, Tony Meiser
There will be no freshmen volleyball game on Saturday, Sept. 28th vs Ridgewood.
The JV game will start at 10:00am and the doors will open at 9:15am
about 2 months ago, Jana VanDusen
about 2 months ago, Jason Olinger
Due to the uncertainty of our Week 10 opponent, we will be moving our Football/Cheerleader/Band Senior Night to next week(9/27/24). We are also aware that next Friday is Biddy Night and we will continue that as well. We are going to be moving forward the best way possible.
Thank you for all your help!
Go Skins!
about 2 months ago, Justin Smith
This week in Coshocton!
Have a great week!
Go Skins!!!!!!
about 2 months ago, Justin Smith
about 2 months ago, Jason Olinger
about 2 months ago, Jason Olinger
There is NO SCHOOL this Friday Sept. 13th for Coshocton Elementary due to a scheduled Staff In-Service. The JH and High School are in regular session.
about 2 months ago, Molly Thomas
CES Families:
This is a friendly reminder that all order forms and money for the CES T-Shirt Fundraiser are due TOMORROW Sept. 12th.
about 2 months ago, Molly Thomas
Dear Families,
We are excited to introduce the “Leader in Me” process at Coshocton Elementary School, aimed at developing leadership and life skills for students. We ask that you to complete the attached survey to help our program. Thank you for your support!
2 months ago, Tony Meiser
2 months ago, Justin Smith
2 months ago, Justin Smith
2 months ago, Jason Olinger
Talking about being a REAL REDSKIN!!!!!!!
Our JH cheerleaders leading by example and cleaning up the bleachers.
2 months ago, Justin Smith
2 months ago, Justin Smith
JH Football Update:
Due to the # of players Morgan can actually bring tomorrow night. We will be playing 7th grade first but only 2 quarters and then we will have a full 8th grade game following this event. Please plan accordingly as the 7th grade game will start at 5:30 and the 8th grade will start after the conclusion of the 7th grad game.
Go Skins!
2 months ago, Justin Smith
Just a reminder you can watch all games from home if you can't make to CHS or Stewart Field for an event this Fall. This will also be something that can be used for any other sport team in the Winter and Spring that uses Hudl.
Cost involved
-$8 per day/game
-$25 for a monthly subscription
-$75 for a yearly subscription (fall, winter, spring)
Thank you for your constant support !
Go Skins!!!!
2 months ago, Justin Smith
2 months ago, Jason Olinger
Good Afternoon CES Families!
This is a friendly reminder that tomorrow is School Picture Day. All Students will be photographed. You are able to order online by visiting both before and after picture day.
2 months ago, Molly Thomas